Q: I’m hugely pregnant, due in late October. My partner and I are sporty types with two busy toddlers – so you would imagine we are ready, fit and sorted but it all seems harder than before – phyisically I am really challenged, emotionally we are all having little ‘meltdowns’ – can you help us?
A: Congratulations, yes your family unit cranks up a gear with five on board! In my professional experience this can be a juggling act between mind, body and soul, preparing the whole family for your new addition. This is a common dynamic.
How I apply my osteopathic skills achieves excellent results. One way is a whole families treatment to synchronise around this event and, in particular, settling toddlers.
I studied at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London where whole would come in for treatment. It was transformative to facilitate and see the dynamic shift from when they arrive to when they leave the clinic.
Does every osteopath treat children and the family unit?
You are wise to check the pediatric experience of the osteopath as this does vary. At our clinic we treat all injuries, ages and stages, I have an added pediatric interest with 20 years of continued studies specifically for pregnant mothers, babies and children, totalling over 300 hours.
Starting 2017, the Osteopathic Council NZ, has set a new ‘Gold Standard’ course for all osteopaths in the treatment of babies and young children.
From conception to birth.
Forty weeks can seem like a long time. The reality is that time passes quickly. Your chosen support team may include GP, osteopath, yoga teacher, midwife, acupuncturist and you will have an established connection in case of unexpected pain and you will know where and whom to go to.
During pregnancy.
You will recall the changes within your body are challenging. For you there are two new factors, being older and running two active children – whew!
The physical changes and levels of tiredness all occur in a relatively short time. You carry a significant increase in weight, approximately 6kg – putting pressure on jonts and muscles and a strain on your total body. Hormones softening ligaments; posture changes to accommodate baby and this increased physical load mean any past injuries often reveal themselves. It’s best to seek treatment.
How osteopathy can help you.
An osteopath can greatly reduce these stresses and balance your body’s movements.
The third trimester – the final hurdle.
There are a number of factors that will affect pregnant women through these final few months.
Reduced level of mobility due to your pure size is limiting.
Energy levels will be lower as with toddlers there will be less time for naps, compared to your first pregnancy.
Every movement and action is like going to the gym. Lifting your toddlers in and out of the car, not recommended at this stage but often a necessity as you are the only one to do it.
Case study – just last week, I had a pregnant mum who simply sneezed, instantly suffered acute pain in her low back and pelvic area around the sacroiliac joint. Luckily she already had an appointment booked. Post treatment the relief was instant.
Recommended frequency of treatment during third trimester?
Every two weeks, more often if there is a specific injury, we are treating. Assisting you in so many ways, rebalancing of the body, lengthening, broadening, balancing the spine, pelvis, preparing the birth canal and pelvic floor.
Releasing the upper back and shoulders from built-up tension of carrying a heavy load. Improving drainage through the legs, that will be getting heavier or swollen, also the arms, where hands might be suffering from pins and needles or numbness.
Treatment time for you also gives a moment to rest, relaxation restores your body and mind, reflecting calmness to your baby.
Working as a team with your partner and kids.
Get your partner involved in shoulder and upper-back massage this is both bonding and tension relieving. Having had two previous births there maybe residual scar tissue. Your partner can massage your pelvic floor using perineum creams; this helps soften and encourage elasticity so baby’s head can pass without tearing you – a bonus! Weleda, Wondermum or Absolute Essential creams are recommended by us.
Young toddlers do have short attention spans. However, I have seen toddlers who have enjoyed a ‘breathing’ and yoga practice with their mum.
Pregnancy can and should be enjoyed. Everything you do contributes to a healthy and happy baby.
We look forward to being part of your team on the journey.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information purposes only. If you have a specific health problem you should seek advise from an appropriate registered health care provider. Living Osteopathy is a Primary Health Care Provider registered with ACC and the OCNZ. Living Osteopathy does not accept any liability other than to its clients.
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